Friday, February 10, 2006

Let the GAMES begin...And I DO NOT mean the Olympics!

I could have smacked the crap out of my child yesterday...but I made her go to her room instead. I hit her where she lives and isolated her from people, because my little "angel" is a social butterfly and I made her stay in and go to bed at 7:00...Here is what happened...

(She has a note book that she comes home with every Thursday, that has her sight words in it and she has to write 6 sentences, one for each word and then we go over her sight words and I sign and she takes it back to school.)

Me-“Daughter, go and get your homework so we can do it now.”
Daughter-“I did my homework on the bus.”
Me-“OH REALLY? Let ME see it.”
Daughter-“It’s done Mommy, really!”
Me-“ Let. Me. See. It, NOW.”
Daughter gives me her homework and first it is done in pen very sloppy, but the REAL kicker was that SOMEONE SIGNED MY DAMN NAME IN CURSIVE-AND MISSPELLED IT-WHERE IT SAYS PARENTS SIGNATURE! My daughter can’t write in cursive yet. So, she starts bawling because she knows I am mad. So mad that I can hear my blood pressure rising in my head, really!
Daughter- “I did it and Christian helped me.”
Me-“Are you supposed to do your homework on the bus?”
Daughter (sobbing)-“N-n-o-o.”
Me- (freaking out and saying this through clenched teeth)-“GO.TO.BED.”Then I made her get up and do it all over again later-while I wrote a note to the teacher. Fun filled night let me tell you. Ugh, and it is only going to get better, I KNOW! I hate the bus!!! (I have to blame someone or something right? I don't want to admit that any wrong doings might be MY fault...not THIS early!)

On to what I was thinking this morning watching Katie & Matt in Torino. This is one thing that I never did think of when people ask me what I would do if I ever won the lottery, I would go to the Olympics!!! How much fun would THAT be? I cry when I watch though, it makes me incredibly nervous, I cannot imagine how the athletes feel!
GO USA!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Blogger Nancy said...

I forged my mom's name once in high school. I didn't get caught but was so damn guilt ridden that I actually turned myself in. I know...phucktard.

Glad to hear that you didn't beat her though. I don't know if I could have been as reserved.

12:53 AM, February 13, 2006  

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