Happy Friday...THE 13th!!!

This says it all...I found out some disturbing news yesterday...I will post it later today. Happy Firday...The 13th!!! It is my sisters lucky day...the 13ths are lucky for her. But this year she has the flu-(NOT the bird kind thank heavens). So she is not feeling up to her big-sister self...Get better Colie...Disturbing news later...It is about the big "C"...for a hint to anyone...

So, the big C word is C-E-R-V-I-X…and maybe some cancerous cells…well already some PRE cancerous cells…what is killing me is:
I quit smoking
I am not having sex- (not by choice!)
I am eating healthy
I am taking my folic acid
Now WHY all of a sudden am I all screwed up???
It must be Murphy’s Law again…I think maybe I should start having sex again. But with WHO is the question…Anyhow…I am fine…I will be just fine…I will post about it later after my doctors appointment on January 27th. Oh, I also have an appointment with the surgeon on the January 24th to see when he is going to go up through my belly button and suck out my gal bladder. L-o-v-e-l-y. 36 is beginning to look like the year of the doctors for me. Ugh.
It may not be a whole lot of comfort, but I was diagnosed with precancerous cells once too. 7 years ago to be exact. I went for a colposcopy (I will warn you now that there is NO fun involved in that damn procedure), then went for the cryo surgery. Once they froze my cervix, I haven't had a questionable pap since.
Hopefully it will be nothing serious and can be taken care of nice and easily.
And since you have stopped doing all of those things to make yourself healthier and you still get screwed, I think it is high time to go back to some of those bad habits. The sex one especially....I do feel for you in that arena :)
That is what I am having done! The colposcopy! Vinegar up my monkey…sounds like a party! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am glad to hear that I won’t be enjoying it-(not that I figured it would be fun!) but thanks for the heads up-because no where does it say that the procedure is uncomfortable-but now I know! I remember a story that a friend told me that she had the cryo surgery and leaked frozen insides for like six weeks…did that happen to you too??? As long as you are okay now-that is what I want to hear…that I will be okay too!
I know about the sex…goodness, there are some days I really wish I could find a one night stand! Then my bad pap would be because of the HPV virus and not just a bad pap that they have no reason why it is bad except for “It happens sometimes!” But, the way my life goes, everything out of the ordinary, “Just happens sometimes” to me! Even though bad paps happen to LOTS of women…I am just a bit freaked-but you made me feel SO much better!!! Thank-you, thank-you, THANK-YOU!!!
My bad pap was because of HPV, but upon a second opinion, the doc assured me that the info given to me by the first was way off. This diagnosis was given to me after having sex with the same person for oh 4 years. Needless to say I have never been back to that first doctor.
About the colposcopy, they told me to take some midol or motrin before going in cause it can cause cramping, like from a normal period. Well, this was substantially more cramping in my eyes. So I would take something before going if I were you.
LOL I didn't leak frozen bits. At least I don't think I did. I had it done right after my honeymoon so maybe I just don't remember as I was in a "blissful" state LOL! That actually was less painful than the colposcopy if I remember correctly. Just some cramping and an odd feeling afterwards. But I am pretty sure that the discomfort only lasted about a day or so.
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