Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhogs Day!

I just LOVE the guys named Phil...

Braces. I didn’t have to have braces because when I was younger, you could stick a slice of Wonder Bread between my two front teeth. Made it REALLY easy to floss. SO, needless to say, when the rest of my teeth came in, I had room for them in my big yap, and they are straight. My sister had braces-HATED them. But my point is, Maxine’s bottom teeth are coming in very crooked. I guess I had better start saving money for the orthodontist, because my insurance doesn’t cover orthodontist’s work. I was hoping that I could slide by with out her having to get them, but now I see that is not the case. I think I have blocked out her fathers teeth…I remember that they were pretty white, but they did overlap. I guess she got that from him. Poor kid. I have heard that they hurt. It is going to hurt my savings if I don’t start saving now!

I think my Mother is now staying with her husband…I think I am going crazy from her back and forth! It is getting to the point that I am going to sit her down and tell her like it is…Yeah right. I don’t have a hair on my ass to tell her off! Who am I kidding?

Dad sent this email to me. Why DO we have so much bureaucratic bullshit to go through to get things done??? Make me nuts. But I do love this country!

Have you noticed how Great Britain seems to be making a fool out of uslately?
Regarding the Russian submarine snarled in underwater cables a couple of weeks ago...By the time we cleared all the bureaucratic "B.S." and gotstarted, Great Britain had arrived, completed the rescue of the seven mentrapped in the submarine, and were cleaning up.
England's Prime Minister Blair made a national speech yesterday in which hemore or less said he didn't give a damn what color you were, what religionyou practiced, or how long you'd been in England... anyone stirring up trouble was OUT.... DEPORTED ... GONE!
We're having a hell of a time keeping men, women and children from crossing the borders illegally, we support them when they get here, and put people in jail for reporting them.
Within days of the terrorist attacks in England, Scotland Yard had accounted for every man involved. We're still looking for 9/11 terrorists, can't findBin Laden, and are now trying to get "permission" to search people who might have bombs.
While the rest of the world is dealing with major problems, we've got the whole damn Congress fighting over appointment of one Judge and whether or not the Atlanta Braves can keep their mascot.
We've become so politically correct we look like idiots to the rest of theworld.


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