Making me laugh-it is the best medicine ever...

HAHAHA The sperm donor did it again! He didn't want to pay child support and brought a case to the court system to establish paternity...Haha...But, this poor girl is deciding to keep him in the child's life...(I am shaking my head...) I was so glad he decided to sign off custody of mine so she would have a better life...I went to the court page because I check to make sure he is still in Florida...this is what I saw...(well there was a lot more but this was the good stuff...) He is the respondent
314.08+50/MO START 01102006
I. LOVE. IT. As they say..."Revenge is a dish best served cold..." Ahhh, sweet revenge..."they" do themselves in if you are patient and wait..."They" referring to anyone who has done someone damage-and laughed. Anyone who tried to make someone feel like a piece of shit verbally and physically-and told him or her they were lucky to have them... My bruises have healed...I just hope my daughter will understand one day why I did this for us...that she says she doesn't care if she doesn't have a dad...but deep down, does she really care? Ohhh, I am not thinking of this now...
Do you ever wonder if a blog you are reading is of someone you you know or used to know? I sometimes do. I think I am going to post my blog on little snip it they give you to post something that other classmates read...yeah, I am going to do that. See what really happens...
***Okay, I tried it and it will not let you because of offensive material...yup, mine IS offensive! Oh well...they want their money too don't they? It is NOT about connecting with old friends damn is about give us our money and you can see what other people put up here...that's it…They are only concerned with the bottom line. Butt heads! =)***
Brokeback Mountain is a BIG favorite for the Golden Globes...I sure hope this town gets the damn movie!!! I have been waiting and waiting! I bet you they win tonight. My love...Jake Gylllleennnhhaaallllllll...oh-la-la.
I miss my grandparents. There are so many things I want to ask them now at my age. I wish I would have thought of these questions-and asked them when they were alive...People who keep talking about global warming need to come and talk to me here in Buffalo...IT IS FREEZING =) Plus, how do we even know if this is just one of earths normal cycles? WE. DO. NOT. As my dad puts it..."It isn't like the cave men went and wrote on the walls about how it was two degrees hotter than normal every year." That cracks me up. Good old dad-he never sugar coats anything. He just tells it like it is. Another one of my favorites is, "You are lucky you didn't marry Rusty-he was an asshole to you." I so needed to be reminded of that every now and then! Then what he doesn't says about the sperm donor is good too...never a "What the hell were you fucking thinking?!" Like everyone else says. He just shakes his head. That slight movement is enough; because I know...But I do NOT know what the hell I was thinking when it came to him!
Thanks for the jokes Dad...I will have more to post later...Not too much new.
On a Septic Tank Truck in Oregon :
"Yesterday's Meals on Wheels"
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