Friday, July 15, 2005

Apples, Trees, Falling, Not far away from one another...

The motto in the house lately is pick up your shit!!! Or mostly crap, junk, stuff, but shit is my personal favorite. I don’t say out loud anymore, I usually am yelling “PICK UP YOUR JUNK!!!!!” But, I am really thinking your shit. I am so tired of saying it…Half of the time I don’t say it because I am SO tired of saying it and yelling it that it is just easier to pick it up and put it where it belongs. I know I am not helping her learn by doing this but I. AM. TIRED. How many years too go? 12? 15? WOW that’s a long time…I am kidding…She better marry well or have a kick ass job so she can have people clean and pick up for her! I swear tonight she has been tap dancing on my LAST nerve. It made me think of when my sister and I would be goofing off and my dad would say “Alright, who wants the first one?” I always wanted to be a smart-ass and say ‘ OOHHH-OOHHH me! Pick me! Pick me! I want the first one! Hit me first!” But of course I never did. SO one day I after being a mother for a while I decide to tell my dad this I tell him how silly I thought it was and that I always wanted to yell for him to pick me first…He says to me “Yeah, well it got you two to be quite didn’t it?” Yup, he is still right…I hear myself telling Maxine-“DO YOU WANT ME TO SMACK YOU???” Like she is going to say yes to this or something. But, if she is anything like me she is thinking-“Yes mom, I have been waiting for you to ask me that ALL DAY! Please smack me-I think I need it.”

Gave myself a pedicure…French manicured my toes tonight-for no one other than myself…and really, does anyone ever get complaints from a guy about there feet? Maybe if they are gross, but I am sure that when you are having sex, a guy isn’t gonna stop and say-“Hey nice pedicure, I was noticing your feet up here by my ears and…” ßNope, this doesn’t happen. Sure it would be a great compliment, but you REALLY aren’t wanting him checking out your feet now are you? I know I never was. We wanna hear “NICE RACK” or one of my fav’s is “GREAT ASS!” I usually got “Bend over bitch!” No, I did not-that was a joke. But guys - they are there for ONE reason and ONE reason only-to get laid, not to make sure your toes look pretty. Well I am not getting hammered anytime soon, and if I do say so myself, DAMN my feet look GREAT!

I have that second interview in the morning…10:00 with the head of the department. GOOD LUCK TO ME! And good luck to them because I think I am staying right where I am…I hope they don’t offer me what I really want. I also hope they won’t like me-or miss me when I leave them after they are graced with my presence…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am tired, going to take a L-O-N-G bath and go to bed…


Blogger BeckEye said...

That reminds me...every once in a while my dad would put a huge sign over the sink that said "CLEAN YOUR OWN DISHES!" I always thought that was so funny, but now I'm living with my sister and her daughter and her daughter uses a different glass every time she takes a drink. I actually thought about putting up one of those signs myself!

10:41 PM, July 15, 2005  
Blogger Nancy said...

I think it is one of the most horrifying moments in an adult's life when you hear yourself saying something to your kid that your parents said to you.

12:22 PM, July 16, 2005  
Blogger Blake said...

Is "hammered" a synonym for "getting laid"? If so I'm going to start using it in that context, but I've historically used "hammerd" to double as "drunk." And good luck on your interview!

I bet you have very nice toes,


1:19 PM, July 16, 2005  
Blogger worry woman said...

Isn’t it funny now how these things that our parents told us when we were younger that made us nuts just come flying out of our mouths with such ease? Maybe it is just that we heard it so much-or in your case saw it everyday-that’s why we say them.

I think it is like Karma. Our parents’ wish it on us as theirs did to them I am sure. I wonder if there are people out there who DON’T say the stuff to their kids that their parents said to them!

Thanks for the luck! I might take the job. They are discussing price and will get back to me by Tuesday.
Yeah, I use the word “hammered” for getting laid. I am not sure why-I think I heard someone use it before and I thought it appropriate. Just like I said to a friend of mine once when he was messing with me to suck my dick-I know I don’t have one, it just sounded right at the moment. I am pretty eloquent huh? Ha ha ha! I think you should use it too! = )

7:42 PM, July 16, 2005  

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