Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Brain trouble? Nothing a good 'ol fashioned lobotomy can't cure!

Okay so my sister is a TOTAL hypochondriac-so is my good friend Angela. I think I understand Angie because if my sister-my sister says it is hard for her to function everyday because of all of the things she is worried about, same with Angie-the fear of what is out there to kill them sometimes just overwhelms them and this is all that they can obsess about. PLUS, my sister the poor girl is 5’6 and 99 pounds…she can’t put on weight and is a vegetarian. [I could be a vegetarian-if bacon was a vegetable, but it’s not so I won’t be]…ANYWAY, my sister remembers my allergy doctor from when I was a baby-don’t ask me how because I don’t even remember her, but this woman, Dr. Rapp wrote a book that my sister should
N-E-V-E-R read-but she will because she knows it is out there. They have green, yellow and red days there in St. Louis meaning if it is a red day-stay your ass inside because it is icky air. Of course she checks this everyday. I feel bad for her and in turn when she is telling me all of this about my allergy doctor and her book, I BEGIN TO FREAK also. Teflon is bad-VERY BAD she says. She is looking to purchase a leather couch-I say “They are nice but when it is hot out you stick to them-so get a regular couch and have it scotch guarded…She yells “NNNNOOOOOOO!!! THERE IS TEFLON IN SCOTCH GUARD!!!!!” I did not know this and she whispers “It’s in everything and they don’t tell you-they hide it in everything…it causes cancer-three known types, breast, liver and prostrate.” Okay, who the hell is “They” I do not know so I just go along with her. I am guessing it is the government who must have once said that it was okay and now changed their minds-same with DDT and Vioxx and the rest of it. So back to the good doctor-my sister says that because I was born 3 weeks early, this is why I have asthma. [I was born with it.] ALSO, I am epileptic I have been since the age of 14-get this-I am an idiopathic epileptic! When I had my medical records and I read that I FREAKED! I said to my doctor-[Dr. Scott Gold-wonderful man GREAT doctor-Melbourne, FL.] "You have here, down on paper that I am an idiot!??? " He laughed and said “No, that only means we don’t know WHY you are epileptic, no head injuryand it’s not in your family, that’s all.” So I said-“So it’s kind of like YOU are the idiot for not knowing huh?” He says [laughing] “Well, I guess you could say that.” I said, “I’m cool with that then.” I was in my early 20’s when I said that and had known him for years. Nobody knows why I am epileptic, I just am. [I have grand mal or tonic/clonic seizures. I am really lucky and my seizures are controlled by my meds] Sooo, in the book the good doctor-she says because I was born early, that is why-#1 I have asthma and #2 why I have epilepsy…Yeah, well SHE told my mom [Mom saw Dr. Rapp in the airport about 3 years ago.] that it was because of an asthma medication that I was when I was little that is now known to cause seizures or epilepsy in adults…Well, wouldn’t that then be HER fault since she prescribed it??? I looked at the web site and it looks like I shouldn’t even breathe outside because of the toxins in the air/water/soil and shit! My sister just has me thinking about this too much…DANG IT! Then there is this in my yahoo news today:

The lobotomy, once a widely used method for treating mental illness, epilepsy and even chronic headaches, is generating fresh controversy 30 years after doctors stopped performing the procedure now viewed as barbaric. A new book and a medical historian contend the crude brain surgery actually helped roughly 10 percent of the estimated 50,000 Americans who underwent the procedure between the mid-1930s and the 1970s. But relatives of lobotomy patients want the Nobel Prize given to its inventor revoked.

I can at least be thankful that lobotomy wasn’t an option for my parents because I might have had one if they thought it would have made me better.
Can they do that? Take away your Nobel Prize? Wow, that would mess up your day huh? Well, not as much as a lobotomy would because instead of being mad you would be sitting in a corner drooling like Jack Nickelson was in ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.’ Horrible stuff—great movie though.

***Note to Blake, Maybe I do not know what a power glove is or was because I am not supposed to play video games because they are known to give people who have epilepsy seizures-I just remembered that! = ) ***


Blogger Blake said...

That is okay, I forgive you for not knowing what the power glove is! And I remember hearing that video games are cause for epilepcy. Unbelievable!


5:24 PM, September 15, 2005  

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