Thursday, September 07, 2006

Still debating the last one...

"Paris Hilton was arrested in Hollywood early on Thursday on suspicion of drunk driving, Los Angeles police said..." (story stolen from Yahoo News from Reuters)
And you know I AM JUST S-H-O-C-K-E-D…

it was only a matter if time. I am just waiting to hear that her and Nicole Ritchie are refunders…
I would hate to live in the public eye…people would have a field day with me…

"Police pulled the hotel heiress over and tested her for intoxication after seeing her drive erratically, Los Angeles police officer Robert Andreno told Reuters.
"She was arrested so, yes, she failed the sobriety test," Andreno said.
Los Angeles police spokeswoman Marjan Mobasser said Hilton was stopped by traffic officers in the Hollywood area at about 1:20 a.m.

The 25-year-old heiress to the Hilton hotel and real estate dynasty has achieved celebrity through saturation media coverage of her hard-partying lifestyle and a growing number of television appearances.
She is best known for her hit reality show "The Simple Life" and for a sex video that showed up on the Internet.

Earlier this year a judge ordered Hilton to stay away from a Los Angeles party planner who accused her of bombarding him with angry phone calls, shoving him and threatening his life. "

First day of school...SHE MISSED THE BUS!!! Is that a sign of things to come? I say NO! Oh please Lord no. The bus schedule was wrong and I had to drive her in. That was okay...then I ran and and crossing guard lady says "Don't run!" my clumsy clog wearing ass slips and almost falls down...I know I would have been fine if she wouldn't have said that! Murphy is my monkey...small child had no homework-BUT I DID! I forgot about all of the papers one has to fill out. **Note to self** ask my teacher sister WHERE THE HELL THEY PUT ALL OF THESES DAMN PAPERS!!!!! I think it is for records. Ugh.
I was SUPER pissed the other night because of the chemistry teacher...MC (mostly MY fault) so I went out for a power walk/run...IN ALL BLACK. I is reallllly dark after 9:00 here and not too many street lights and my hoodie was black and I could have been a mugger! I am suprised I didn't get hit by a car or if the cops were out-why they didn't ask me what the hell I was up to....but ANYWAY when I used to come home after these power walks/runs I would always see Miss A...the neighbors daughter...she moved away now to college with her boooyfriend...Mr. J...I miss seeing Miss A. after these walks because we would always laugh about everything and nothing and that is how I got to really know the neighbors...


Blogger cmhl said...

girl--- we got progress reports yesterday, and my oldest has already been tardy 5 times!!!!! and you know who takes him to school-- ME!!!!!!!!!

4:35 PM, September 07, 2006  

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