Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I'm just a girl...

Met MC on the 18th of August. Don’t know what to think just yet, just nervous and very cautious. Was such a busy day with the wedding. Am too nervous now to know what I should really feel because I am just so excited that a boy likes me!!! It has been so damn long that I have even considered a boy liking me. I shut them all out I think. Then, I always like the guys I know I can never have for a reason. He is cute, really nice and super funny-and you know how I L-O-V-E someone or something funny. (He is a Mel Brooks fan!!!) We have a lot in common too…(Actually, I really have no idea about this. So far what we have talked about we have in common, and he could be a liar.) Well, except, that is, he is a HIGH SCHOOHL CHEMESTRY TEACHER!!!!! And I am…well, just, me. Crap, I didn’t even take chemistry in high school. I was too busy being a social whore…(I can hear the sharp intake of breaths-“No, not her!” ha ha) ...

So, do I like this guy or not?
Daughter really likes him too-That alone is CRAZY weird.
I am pretty damn busy with my daughter and whatever else it is I do…(what do I do???)
Do I want to date? (just saying that makes me laugh…it has been long)
What if he is a pervert like I always watch on Primetime? Won’t THAT just be MY luck?
See, damnit, I can’t date.
That is one of the reasons why. One of the others is because of my daughter. I chose to be a mom and I need to stick it out. Then, shit what the hell, I will be an un-wed woman over 40 so my chances of marrying a man are slim to none-but my chances of being blown up by a terrorist are higher…Unless I hook up with Star Jones, but I am not moving to the city.

Also, a big "Heller" to A & J out there if you guys are reading this... =)
"That's so FUNNY HAHAHAHA..." (insert obnoxious loud voice)


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