Wednesday, September 06, 2006

One less thing...

Oh boy. The refrigerator magnet people have made it extra special easy for me now to explain to my daughter how to snag a man! ALL I have to do is slap this on the fridge so she can see and read it everyday. After reading it day after day - one day, BOOM! She will just know.


Now, I am SOOOOO good with imaginary boyfriends-it is INSANE! They ALL want me...oops, sorry, I'm back.

Like always, in my brain, I just lost it for a minute or two...Nobody gets me except me! Truth, I am done with the chemistry teacher…too many issues. He is JUST NOW split up with his wife. I mean she just moved out in August. The marriage was over long before that apparently but I am not going to be in the beginning of that poor mans nightmare. I sure will be here if he needs me as a friend to talk to, but NOT as a girlfriend. Plus, he just wanted a piece of ass anyway I believe but couldn’t come right out and say it. Things would have been MUCH different if he had. I mean a booty call is a booty call if you can disconnect the two in your mind and at this point in my life, I bet I could. But, now that I have had a taste of the fruit of dating, I want to do more of it. I have no idea how-or when (especially with my track record) but with a MILLION thanks to my neighbor; I think maybe I just might. Maybe a few thanks to the chemistry teacher also.


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