What's next I ask you...
So, the "all natural" gallbladder" remedy didn't work...I ate too much butter and had an attack. I still want to keep the damn thing though-NOOOO surgery!
BUT, to top off everything...MY SEIZURE MEDICATION IS NOT WORKING...So, I am now trying new meds and not driving. Seizures SUCK! I think it might be stress...and if it is...can you imagine what is going to happen to me when my kid is a teenager??? Say goodnight now.
Here are some funnies...

BUT, to top off everything...MY SEIZURE MEDICATION IS NOT WORKING...So, I am now trying new meds and not driving. Seizures SUCK! I think it might be stress...and if it is...can you imagine what is going to happen to me when my kid is a teenager??? Say goodnight now.
Here are some funnies...

Sorry the remedy didn't work. Hope you can manage to avoid the surgery and keep all your parts in tact.
Matt fought with his seizure meds for over a year until he finally found a dosage that worked for him. But he never stopped driving. Docs said he didn't have to. DId yours, or are you doing it out of better judgement than my fool of a husband?
I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was fourteen and my meds didn't get regulated until I was 17...So I never go my drivers license until I was 18...Well I have had a few seizures here and there from just sheer stupidity-drinking too much, staying up too late, taking diet pills I shouldn't have, no sleep and the best...FORGETTING TO TAKE MY MEDICINE! As many years as I have been taking it, I sometimes STILL forget-usually if my routine gets screwed up...anyway, the ones I had before I was a mom, I didn't care...I was just super careful...Now, Since they have NO CLUE AGAIN WHY I AM HAVING THEM...I am too scared to drive. The doctor didn't tell me to stop driving, but he looked at me and said, "Your not driving right?" I said "NNOOOOO." So I won't drive for at least 6 to 8 months...then I will see...But with my luck, I would be driving Maxine to school and have a seizure and kill some poor innocent kids just walking to school...or I would kill Maxine...I just can't take that chance.
Matt isn't a fool...I DID IT TOO!!! =( It is SO damn hard not to drive!!! I am lucky that we live close to school and work and stores, so we can manage-now when I was in Florida, if this was happening now...I drove 42 miles to work ONE WAY everyday!!! I would have had to still drive...Plus, it is hard to not drive when you are so used to it!
By the way...why does Matt have seizures? SEE I AM A NOSY LITTLE FUCKER!
P.S. I can't turn on lifetime anymore without thinking of Taco Bell and you and thinking DAMN! She is RIGHT!
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