Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The same old conversation over & over...

I have not been here in a while because I have been crazy busy-but if you were to ask me right now with what I would have to say I don’t know! How goofy is that?

Happy Fathers’ Day to my daddy (even though he won't be reading this-) & everyone out there-yeah yeah I am late I know-happy fathers’ day to me too since Maxine’s daddy is L-O-N-G gone. (Thank heavens) Spent fathers day with my mom and step dad at my stepsister’s house. Did I mention she is prefect? Big beautiful perfect house, perfect hair, perfect food for us to consume, semi perfect husband, (he is a lawyer and makes lots of money-could it get any worse?) can anyone see that I am a bit jealous? She is so darn nice too-makes me crazy sometimes-I wonder if she has faults? Oh she is like the perfect stay at home mom too-and has little perfect son too! Oh he is a cutie pie! Oh well, I am sure-even though it seems like it is, it is not all peaches and cream over at the perfect house either!

Some of the people who live where I live are snobs! Mostly the people I have met that are in class with my daughter-no one wants to talk to me or make friends with me…But then again as I said this to my mom she asked if I was trying to make friends with them and I am not…But they don’t try to talk to me and when I try I usually get a nervous nod or yes or a laugh. Well, who the hell am I to judge them right? It is just a feeling I get and my step dad confirmed that a lot of people here are snobby-I better learn to deal with it I suppose! I will just stay away and keep to myself like I usually do. Oh and I am sure that I won’t be talking to the ladies at the bus stop anymore since school will be out on Wednesday-TOMORROW! They are nice but I think they just talk to me out of politeness because I am at the bus stop with them-then I talk too much because of my nervous talking habit!

Well, I didn’t go to the father/daughter dance…She wanted to go to the movies instead! I wasted 12 bucks on a ticket to-that darn dance too! We went and saw Madagascar! It was cute-Maxine informed me that we can go to the dance next year…We will see!

I was on the phone Sunday night with my sister for 2 hours-Thank heaven for free weekends! She is a crack up! We were discussing “bad words.” We lived in a house where we did not take the Lord’s name in vain because you would go to hell-or so I believed, -and still sort of do. I do not say G-damn; I do throw out the f-bomb a lot though. I can use that word in all 8 parts of speech!!!!! (Verb, adverb, noun pronoun-you get it. *Stole that line from my dads girlfriend! She is too funny!)) But shit, damn, bastard, asshole, these were acceptable bad words-or my moms favorite when something was really bad-Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Well the other day I was with mom and she said “Oh, Jesus” because something happened and I said, “Don’t forget Mary and Joseph.” Well I am 35 and I got a smack in the arm for that one! And I do believe a “Don’t be smart with me!” When I told my sister this, she could not stop laughing-her 11 year old came in the room and told her to breathe!

My 13 year old nephew is actively searching for this site…My sister told him he could not read it because there was X rated material on it-mind you she does not even know where it is! So I am sure Jacob will find it because #1 his mom told him NO and #2 he is a computer wiz!!!!! Oh so HI JAKIE!!!!! You little monster-when you DO find me-email me with the title of my blog and I will send you 20 bucks! I promise!

My sister emailed me this site-how cool is that that a lawyer is getting on the
bandwagon for bloggers? How un cool is it that there is a big market out there for these guys so they are going to either #1 charge an ASS LOAD of money when a fellow blogger needs help or #2 start with the oh so annoying commercials telling us that they are out there and they are here to only help us…blah blah blah…I am going with the assumption that they are going to do BOTH!!!


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