Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My dad sent this to me in an email and it was found between Orlando and Titusville...I used to live in Titusville! It was in someones backyard. 13 foot Alligator. Holy Crap! It is a sad picture, but I might have shot it too if it was in my backyard!

It is SO great having my dad here!!!!! But I am so damn busy lately that I CAN’T find anything funny anymore. I have made such a disciplined schedule for Maxine and I that I have no free time for me-except when it is time to sleep-then I am having trouble doing that…so I read and fall into the story and wish I was there.

One funny thing…we are doing out weeks spelling words and the are dig, pig, pin, win, pick and kick…so I say to her this morning while waiting in the doctors office that we are going to do spelling words…(she has strep throat)

Me-“Okay Max…spell pick for me.”
Max-: Um, p…i…c…k?”
Me- “Good! Now, dig…”
Max-“Um…d…i…ck?” (LOUDLY)
Me- (wishing the floor would swallow us…) “NO, no you spelled dic…um…never mind what that spells, it doesn’t MATTER…dig is spelled d-i-g…lets do this at home!”

That was funny. Well it wasn’t too terribly funny there but as I am writing it now it is hilarious to me. So Max and I are home for the day. She needs to rest and I went and bought her Sunny D, 4 HUGE freeze pops and 2 doughnuts…Am I a cool mom or what? And she had a large glass of juice, BOTH doughnuts, 1 freeze pop and I am expecting her to relax now. Am I a stupid mom now or what? So she is bouncing off the walls watching television and here I am finally able to post on my blog again…

So, school meeting was about how my lovely daughter is a #1 a chatterbox. (Hard to imagine where that comes from.) #2 she interrupts the teacher by blurting things out and not raising her hand. (Again where does THAT come from?) And #3 She does not take her time to do the quality work she is supposed to. She hurries to just get it done. UGH! It was ALL MY FAULT, I know. BUT WE ARE WORKING ON IT!!! It is sooooo much easier to be a slacker than a responsible parent I tell you. There is no one here to back me up on stuff and it just seems easier to say yes and not scream. But, if I would have been a hard ass early on, I wouldn’t be having this problem now would I? So, now I am the bitchy hard ass mom who that when she says no…by asking me thirteen hundred more times won’t change my mind! You ask the second time after I say no and now you are in trouble! That has been my delima. So I won’t be on here much anymore sine I now have to raise a “responsible citizen”…I thought the television was helping me with that but noooooo…that is a joke-I think that was funny! I am feeling better already just posting this…Thank you blogger people! = )

Life is not what I expected it to be. I really thought it was going to be easier. I wonder if my parents thought that too. I will ask them today…there my blogger question…is life harder than you thought it would be? Did you think that when you were in your teens that you had the world by the tail like I did? Sometimes reality does suck.


Blogger Nancy said...

Frequently when I am driving to pick up Caitlyn, in my minivan, debating what to make for dinner, and wondering if my husband is really going to want sex tonight, and can I float the mortgage check long enough for one of us to get paid, I ponder the thought of, "How the fuck did I end up like this." I used to be a really cool person...to adults. Now I am just a cool person to a 4 year old, and well, that's not realy cool to me. Yes life is definitely harder than I ever thought it would be. But we trudge through it and manage to create contributing members of society out of our children. Sometimes by the skin of our teeth, but it happens nonetheless!

12:47 AM, October 05, 2005  
Blogger worry woman said...

Oh Nancy, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I do feel better knowing that I am not the only one who feels this way! I am feeling really selfish so shame on me but man, I did think life would be easier, not better because my life is good…just a lot easier! Like gee do we eat this week or pay the electric bill? I HATE THAT!!! But I keep trudging along knowing one day soon I will be saying, “She grew up so fast…” Then I will most likely be kicking myself in the ass for that too. I have to remember too not to piss her off when she is older since she is the one who will chose my nursing home one day.

5:32 PM, October 06, 2005  

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