Friday, October 14, 2005

It really sucks growing up

Alrighty then...So I had a call yesterday that my pap smear came back with abnormal cells...Great. Who came up with that name anyway... Pap Smear? Why don't they call it what it really is...CUTTING AN HUGE CHUNK OUTTA YOUR CERVIX SO WE CAN LOOK AT IT? Ugh. They frigging hurt. Not to mention that my uterus is inverted and it takes them 3 minutes to dig around in my most personal & private parts to find the damn thing that they are taking a sample from...bottom line, cervical cancer is the worlds slowest growing cancer, I am not to they NOT know the name of my blog...???So nothing to do now but wait, yes, I did say wait and do another in three months. Lovely huh? To top it all off, I had a small gal bladder flare up last night to. So I will get the upper GI done now and have the thing taken out...BUT THAT IS IT! I am keeping the uterus! I am not going on hormone pills! See, I was wigging about the period thing and now it is because I am making too much estrogen...well, my sister read that to me last night. She is the queen of knowng what is wrong and all I had to do was call her and she knew what it was. I wonder why she is not a doctor instead of a teacher? Too much school I guess...Abnormal cells...I keep thinking of Young Frankenstien when he went to get the brain and egor was telling Dr. Frankenstien what the name next to the brain had said ...
Egor- "Abby...Abby something."
Dr Frankenstien-"ABNORMAL?"
Egor-"YES, yes, that's it. Abby Normal!"
I am "Abby Normal." Funny huh? That is a great movie. Gene Wilder, Terri Garr, Chloris Leachman and Madeline Kahn...I Think that was her name...AND SHE DIED FROM CANCER!!!! Oh brother.
My little one is doing great...I don't remember first grade having so much homework, but they do! Reading, spelling and math every night. Then on Fridays she has a journal to write in and a poetry notebook. When she slows down, her work is really nice. But half of the time she just whizzes through it and it is sloppy. It is hard for me to get her to understand that quality is better that quantity. Maybe she will grow up and work in a factory where it is better to be fast. I hope not!

Email from dad...

Don't know the guy who wrote this, but sure sums things up for me.
Subject: McComb aftermath of Katrina
To my friends and family, What I have seen since Katrina:
The poor and the wealthy hurt by the storm.
Black, white, Hispanic, Oriental and Indian all hurt by the storm.
Christian people giving, giving, giving. Churches going all out to minister in Jesus' name.
Neighbors going door to door helping one another.Thugs and hoodlums going door to door looking for someone vulnerable.
Ice and water being fought over as police tried to keep the peace.
People coming up from New Orleans taking over empty houses because shelters are full.
Out of town volunteers coming with food and staying for weeks now and still serving it.
The Churches all over this part of the country doing what Christians do in a crisis.
Fema doing a wonderful job in getting help to us.
The Red Cross doing a great job in the shelters.
The Salvation Army doing a great job in the community.
Four Hundred crewman from everywhere bringing back the power to our homes, churches and businesses.
Lines at service stations a block to a mile long.
National Guardsman patrolling the streets of McComb along with Kentucky policemen protecting us from the hoodlums and thugs of McComb, Pike County and New Orleans (the most dangerous city in the world before Katrina.)
Drug dealers working outside shelters. Doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel working tirelessly, even sleeping in the hospital to do the job God called them to do.
The ACLU setting up a feeding line.
People for the American Way helping in the shelters.
The NAACP doing any work volunteer or otherwise whatsoever.
The American Atheist organization serving meals in the shelters.
Jesse Jackson directing traffic at the gas stations.
I could go on, but you get my message. It 's the Christian people with love and compassion that do the work.The gripers in Congress should come on down and get in line to passthe water and the ice.Are you listening Hillary, Chuck, Teddy and all the sorry loafers we call Senators and Congressmen? They don't have a clue as to what this life is all about here on the Gulf Coast.
Boy, I feel better now.

I feel like it says a lot also. Where are they? They say they are "here to help." I say bullshit. They are only helping when it suits THEM. Selfish buttheads. Okay, I am off the soap box. Have a great day everyone!


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