Monday, September 12, 2005

Its Monday...All you need is a left, yet all day they are throwing rights...

I just really needed these today...Nothing from me...Just these AWSOME billboards! These are a few of my favorites. Let me remind everyone...THEY ARE JOKES!!!!! In case someone wants to yell at me. I am NOT up for it tonight. Too much self loathing going on!

I wish I had some pixy stixs RIGHT NOW!
OOPS! My kid is learning to read now! = )
I wish I had some of these to put on some cars of people I know!!!!!
It could be because we have a PLUG shoved up there to make us extra cranky!
I have had a few say it to me and I let it work...I was so stupid! [but that IS funny!]
Dudes, if you know any stoners, this is so true!

THIS is WAY funny too! Just a law suit on your homeowner's insurance waiting to happen if you own one of these and your kids wanna invite friends over to go on it with them!!! DON'T DO IT!
EEWWW! I never looked at it that way before...No more for me!!!
Has this ever happened to you??? It has me and if it has to you...YOU WILL REMEMBER when it happened!!!!!
Can you say P-A-I-N-F-U-L ???


Blogger cmhl said...

I like the "pap smear with a rake" one.. hahah!!

10:37 PM, September 12, 2005  
Blogger Nancy said...

I immediately crossed my legs upon reading the pap with a rake one, and anyone who has Doritos as part of the food pyramid has done the horrible act of getting the damn corner of the triangle stuck in the roof of their mouths. Thanks for a good laugh tonight :)

2:19 AM, September 13, 2005  
Blogger BeckEye said...

Plugs. Ha ha ha. I love saying that. It always makes me feel so classy.

7:49 AM, September 13, 2005  

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