Thursday, June 23, 2005

Gotta give this cat his props! Bravo Mr. McCoy! = )


This has to be the best one yet!!! I am laughing my ass off!! This is what should be taught in sex ed classes EVERYWHERE! I firmly believe while girls are learning about periods and organs and shit, guys are being taught the art of turning EVERY issue and argument around so it always ends up the womans fault…AM I RIGHT GIRLS?
Read this awesome piece by Matthew McCoy from the phat phree; or click on "upkeep" for full story.

It takes me approximately thirty minutes to get ready; from the moment my toes are reluctantly withdrawn from their nest under the feathers to the time I walk out the door. And I'm an admitted pretty boy. I once shared an apartment with a girl who took THREE HOURS to get herself into a viewable state. She'd go into the bathroom and come out one moonphase later having undergone a John Travolta to Nicholas Cage, Face Off-like transformation. And she was pretty. The hair, the makeup, the shaving of everything but the soles of their feet and the palms of their hands, the eyebrow tweezing, the upper lip waxing....IT'S ENDLESS. The upkeep necessary to be a girl is utterly daunting. I can't believe agoraphobia isn't more prevalent amongst the female gender.

The Very Existence of the Douche

Laughing too hard to type. The word "douche" alone absolutely kills me. However, the topic makes me very uncomfortable and if you ever happen to come across one, RUN. Remaining in the same neck of the woods (pun absolutely intended)...

It freaks me out, man. As if hemorrhaging from a reproductive organ wasn't enough, this once a month nightmare is accompanied by cramps and bloating. It's pregnancy's equivalent to spring training. Or even the fire drill. The body is trying to prepare the woman in tiny doses for how miserable she's going to feel when she really is pregnant.

Because girls don't poop (shutup, I firmly believe this), they'll never know the satisfaction of a good one. Boy are they missing out."


Blogger MJ Tam said...


9:51 PM, June 23, 2005  

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