Friday, May 27, 2005

Another shot?

Oh, just what I need to hear...another scare out there that my kid might die. ONLY, she is not old enough to get the shot yet-MIND YOU she still can get Meningitis at her age NOW though. Does this make ANY sense what so ever? Um, to me, NO!
Now my sister is always REALLY cautious of these things so I am used to her telling me about it and how the kids can die from the vaccination itself so do you REALLY want to give it to them-she scares the crap out of me with that WebMD crap all the time-I hope she gets the boys their shots! Even though every time the get flu like symptoms she is going to call me and blame me for the meningitis article I emailed to her and how she now thinks that they will get it because she got them their shot. Better safe than sorry and I don't want to wait dang it! Because I will be wicked mad if I can't get her the shot and she gets it and dies! Oh brother, I need to just shut the heck up!


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