Thursday, May 26, 2005

Is this really art???

I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder-to me, Brad Pitt is just too pretty-not everyone thinks so-But this BIG ASS tatoo is ridiculous to me! Sure it is nice, but the guy will have to drop trou anytime someone asks to see the whole damn thing! And what happens when he gets old? What do tatoos look look like on a wrinkled ass old man? Does anyone think that his grandkids will be bugging him to show their friends..."Come on Gramps, Jacob hasn't seen the tatoo yet, I will help you out of your wheelchair and hold you up..." I mean really, just a small version would have been fine. I can't even inagine what he paid for it. He can NEVER change his mind now either...Well, I guess there is laser surgery right? I get that to some people think of it as art-I just do not get why they don't have it put on a wall instead. Color me stupid I suppose-Must be the same reason I have my belly button pierced when nobody but me sees it. Oh well, just a question I felt like sending out into the blogger universe for no one to la la la


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